MDC Precision

MDC Precision Company Profile
Over our 50-year history, MDC Precision has established itself as a trusted global supplier of precision-made products designed for critical vacuum processes in the semiconductor, industrial, research, aerospace, life sciences, and energy markets. Across our four product platforms, Vacuum, Gas Delivery, Feedthroughs and Viewport, and Vacuum Valves, MDC delivers high quality precision engineered products, meeting customer's stringent quality standards.
MDC Precision has developed a new line of High Vacuum gate valves, butterfly valves, and heated angle valves. Our High Vacuum valves are optimized for Industrial and life sciences imaging systems such as Mass Spectrometry and Microscopy.
MDC Precision provides a global footprint that reaches all our customers' local markets. Manufacturing is present in three regions, North America, Europe, and Southeast Asia.Our global sales team is available to answer any of your questions.